Friday 16 March 2012

Friday Memes

This week I am posting from Water-Blue Eyes by Domingo Villar

Friday Book Beginnings is a weekly Meme hosted at A Few More Pages..

The line of lights on the coast, the glimmer of the city, the white spray where the waves broke....It made no difference that it was dark and the rain was lashing against the windows.

Friday 56 hosted @ Freda's Voice is a weekly Meme where we share an interesting snippet from page 56 of any book.

Caldas noticed the man trembled slightly as he spoke. He had read many years ago, in Camilo José Cela's The Hive, that a slight tremor of the lower lip was a giveaway of fear. He had often witnessed the accuracy of the Noble Prize-winning Galician writer's observation.


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Great snippets! Now I'm very curious....


Libby said...

I like these excerpts - especially the pg 56 one. The title is also good - Water Blue Eyes...

fredamans said...

Sounds like he has great perception, but why was the man afraid I wonder?