Saturday 13 May 2023

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by JK Rowling

 #5 of 54 BBC Big Read

I started my journey in Harry Potter series with Prisoner of Azkaban. By then I have already seen the first two movies and I know the story so didn’t feel the need to read the first two. Prisoner of Azkaban by far is my favourite in the series.

So this the first book, setting the scene, introducing the characters and hook for the rest of the series. So if you read the first book you didn’t like it, it is not likely you would read all others. I finished the book in a few hours. It was engrossing and interesting. The actions moves fast. You meet the characters and you know about them.

If Harry wanted, he could have been friends with the Rich and snobby Darco. So he ended up his enemy as he stood for his new friend Ron. Its also interesting how Ron and Harry are irritated with the Rule following Hermoine. And finally how they become friends. There is always something more the books give than the movie, mostly. 

I would be reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets soon. But not too soon. I do need a break from talking animals. Toad, Mole, Badger, Rat and Beaver and Lion and a whole bunch of rabbits.

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