Saturday 13 May 2023

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis

 #6 of 54 BBC Big Read

This is the second book in the Chronicles of Narnia series. Why is this book so popular? Why not the first one or any from rest of the series. Have a feeling that is probably recommended reading for school kids or something they read in school. Stranger is His Dark Materials Trilogy is book 3 in the list and only one book from Chronicles of Narnia. My initial thoughts on starting the book.

Susan, Peter, Lucy and Edmund are sent off to live in the countryside as War is raging. They explore the big house and find a wardrobe that takes them to land of talking Beavers and White witch and the Lion.

This was a small book and I finished it in a couple of hours. There was a nice little twist. Its been a while since I saw the movie, so I didn’t remember the twist. I didn’t read the first one, but didn’t feel like I was missing something. While this a part of the series, I did feel that it can be read as a standalone, maybe that’s why it is in the list.

But after reading this, I do feel like I need a break from talking animals. I have been reading Watership Down and started Magic Faraway Tree which I am going to put on hold and move on to something serious. Maybe it is time to tackle ‘War and Peace’?!

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