Saturday 1 April 2023

The Alamanack of Naval Ravikant

I like to run away from non-fiction as fast as possible. I may have given reseans for it before. Maybe I have not. This book was not my first choice, for that matter even my choice. It was the book club read for March. If you dont want to do something, you will always find reason not to do it. My reasons were, this book is not in my local library, I couldnt find it on openlibrary. I dont want to spend money on a book, I dont know if I will like. So many more. But a free e-book on the authors site and comittment to try something new once in a while. I started reading. I would say reluctant reader. Chapter headings were good enough, was there need for saying things over and over again. I do agree with the author on several things. That for a non-fiction you read a few chapters and then skim past and get the gist. Also agree read any book. Just love reading, you will get to somewhere eventually. Also agree on having a good understanding of basic maths, logic, science and economics. Overall interesting, its really good when the authour confirms your world view. I would say even better when the author challenges your worldview where in we get a new perspective. Wasnt challenged that way, but wouldnt write it off totally. Good read.